God the Father

That there is only one true God, Creator and Redeemer of all things.  He is onebeing in three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

God the Son

That Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Son of God; that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life.  He was crucified for our sins, died, was buried, resurrected and ascended into heaven, and is alive today in the presence of God the Father and in His people.  His vicarious death was full payment for our eternal redemption.

God the Holy Spirit

In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live holy and minister supernaturally.  The baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:4-8 and 2:4 is poured out on believers that they might have power to witness.

The Bible

That the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.


We are saved by God’s grace through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  Anyone can be restored to fellowship with God through repentance, believing and receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

The Church

The Church is made up of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ.  He gave His church the ordinances of baptism and communion.  The Church exists to carry on the ministry of Jesus Christ and advance His kingdom by preaching and living the good news of God’s love and to disciple the nations.

Our Vision

Cornerstone’s Vision is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through teaching and preaching the Word of God and to see revival in our generation.